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Rhinoplasty or Nose Surgery FAQs

This procedure focuses on removing extra tissue from your nose, altering both its functionality as well as, its look.

Our specialist FRACS surgeon Dr Stephen Kleid, MB BS FRACS can help alter your nose and its functionality, whether the cause is hereditary factors or an injury.

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Learn more on Rhinoplasty

What Is Rhinoplasty FAQs

What is rhinoplasty?

  • A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes your nose.
  • In fact it can; reshape, reduce or enlarge your nose, remove a dorsal hump or alter any asymmetries, be they the way your nose is or a consequence of an injury.

Does rhinoplasty change your face?

  • A rhinoplasty may slightly change the look of your face since the nose, is one of the focal points of the face.
  • To ensure you are satisfied with the way your nose and face look after your rhinoplasty, have the surgery done only by an experienced specialist surgeon and never by a cosmetic surgeon or a non-certified surgeon.
  • Understand that most surgeries that go bad can not be corrected.

Can a nose surgery change your voice?

  • No, a nose surgery does not change your voice. However, while the swelling is present, during the rhinoplasty recovery, you may notice that your voice is slightly altered.
  • This will pass as soon as the swelling is gone.

What causes a bigger nose?

  • A bigger nose can be a result of several factors:
    • Ageing
    • Genetics
    • Trauma to the nose
    • Bumps,
    • Sebaceous cysts.

Your specialist plastic surgeon will be able to assess your nose, tell you where the enlargement comes from and how they can alter it.

Am I a suitable Candidate / Nose Surgery Prerequisites FAQs

What is a suitable age to get a nose job?

  • Boys can get a nose job done from the age of 18, whilst girls can from the age of 16 (with parental permission).
  • Your experienced plastic surgeon may suggest different ages, depending on how developed your nose is for your age.
  • There is no upper age limit to getting your nose surgery. In general, you should be healthy enough to undergo such a procedure and fully recover from it.

What are realistic expectations of a rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty is a procedure that can address a wide variety of nose-shape differences. You may have a rhinoplasty to correct your dorsal hump (nose hump reduction surgery), to straighten a nose that has suffered trauma, to make your nose look smaller or to have a different shape.

Rhinoplasty Preparation FAQs

What should you avoid before rhinoplasty?

  • If you are a smoker, you will need to quit at least six weeks before your rhinoplasty procedure.
    • Smoking can increase the complication rate.
  • You should also avoid drinking alcohol for at least two weeks before surgery
    • Alcohol can promote swelling and inflammation
  • Sun tanning should be avoided for at least two weeks before your procedure.
    • Sun tanning can damage your skin. You don’t want to go into your procedure with a sunburn or extra sensitive skin due to sun exposure.

Should I shave before rhinoplasty?

  • If you have a moustache and/or beard then yes, you should shave before your rhinoplasty.
  • Moustaches and beards can be home to many bacteria. Getting rid of the hair on your face will help prevent infections and post-op complications.
  • You may want to delay shaving after rhinoplasty for around two weeks.

Can I take vitamin C before rhinoplasty?

  • You should never take vitamin C before or after rhinoplasty.
  • Vitamin C increases the scarring of the tissues and may cause a wider scar, an unsightly or a hyperpigmented scar, as well as keloid formation.
  • Although the nostrils are not a place where keloids would normally appear, it can develop on your columella, which is the column between your nostrils.

Can I brush my teeth before rhinoplasty?

  • Yes, you can brush your teeth before a rhinoplasty. If brushing your teeth the morning of the rhinoplasty, make sure that you:
    • Use a brand new, out-of-the-box soft toothbrush,
    • Do NOT use any toothpaste – getting the toothbrush wet with water will suffice,
    • Do NOT swallow any of the water – it is best to not rinse your mouth after tooth brushing the morning before your rhinoplasty.

How do I choose a surgeon?

  • A good rhinoplasty surgeon will be a surgeon that:
    • Is board-certified,
    • Has ample experience and education in the field,
    • Has international recognition
    • Can operate in hospitals, as well as, clinics,
    • Has a great support team,
    • Has thousands of satisfied patients.

Nose Surgery Procedure FAQs

What is Reduction Rhinoplasty?

  • Reduction rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the nose.
  • The procedure means that your specialist plastic surgeon reduces the length and width of your nose’s protrusion.
  • It is by far the most common rhinoplasty procedure for both men and women.

What’s Augmentation Rhinoplasty?

  • Augmentation rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that enlarges the nose.
  • The nose can be small due to various reasons, including; hereditary factors, ruined rhinoplasties, injuries or infections.
  • The procedure changes both the size and the shape of your nose.

What is Alarplasty?

Alarplasty is a type of rhinoplasty, it’s focus is to remove some tissue from the base of the nose, by doing this the surgeon reduces the size of the nose base (it can also alter ‘flaring nostrils’ if that is something the patient has).

This is a common procedure, especially for those with Asian and South American descendants. If you think your nose is wide at the base, this may be a procedure for you. Schedule a consultation with our specialist plastic surgeons and have them assess your nose and give you some options.

What is Septoplasty?

  • Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that focuses on straightening both the nose bone and cartilage.
  • The nose may be bent or crooked for multiple reasons, including:
    • Injury/trauma
    • Genetics
    • Previous break/s
    • Or other factors, such as nasal cartilage infection.
  • Septoplasty surgery can correct this, regardless of the level and scope of deformity.

What’s a Turbinectomy?

  • Turbinectomy is a procedure that removes the turbinate’s or protrusions in your nose that warm and moisten the air as you breathe.
  • When this get big, they can cause breathing problems and block the airways.
  • To relieve the symptoms, your specialist plastic surgeon can remove them (turbinectomy procedure), or they can reduce their size or change their shape (turbinoplasty procedure).

What is Osteotomy?

  • Osteotomy is any procedure that changes the shape of your bones by cutting or shaving them.
  • Surgeons often perform Osteotomy rhinoplasty for dorsal hump reduction or nose bump removal.
  • Only a specialist plastic surgeon with training and experience has the qualifications to perform this (or any) nose surgery procedure.
  • It takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete in an operating theatre.

How long is a nose surgery?

  • A nose surgery can take anywhere between 2-4 hours.
  • Sometimes, the procedure can take longer, depending on your case and the type of procedure your surgeon is performing. Whether they are doing other procedures at the same time (lower face lift) also affects the operating time.
  • Since nose surgery is one of the most difficult and complicated procedures to master, it is VITAL you choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon.

Rhinoplasty Recovery FAQs

How painful is a rhinoplasty?

  • You are not in pain during a Rhinoplasty.
  • During the procedure, you will be under general anesthesia. In other words, you are not conscious, therefore you do not feel any pain or discomfort.
  • After the procedure, your surgeon will give you instructions on how to manage any pain.
  • Any pain usually dissipates within a few days.
  • You may still feel some discomfort after a few days, but any pain should dissipate by this stage.

Why is my nose big after rhinoplasty?

  • Your nose will be bigger after rhinoplasty due to swelling.
  • Swelling is a part of recovery after any surgical procedure. It can take a significant amount of time for ALL of the swelling to clear, however, most should clear around the two week mark.
  • It can take up to a year for the nose to fully settle and ALL swelling to clear.
  • Having a healthy diet and mild physical activity can promote blood flow and reduce inflammation. This can help speed up post-rhinoplasty healing.

How long does it take for a nose surgery to heal fully?

  • The initial healing stage of rhinoplasty takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
  • During this period, you will experience swelling and bruising and you may feel some discomfort.
  • Six weeks after rhinoplasty, you will be able to resume most activities, however some swelling will persist.
  • It can take up to a full year to see the final rhinoplasty results.

How long will my nose be blocked after rhinoplasty?

  • After a rhinoplasty, you will have nasal splints in place, these will block your nose.
  • One week after your rhinoplasty, your specialist plastic surgeon will remove the nasal splints.
  • Any obstruction in the airway that is present after your surgeon removes the splints is the result of swelling and will clear on its own as the swelling subsides.

Will the tip of my nose go down after rhinoplasty?

  • Yes, your nasal tip will go down after a rhinoplasty. However, it may take several weeks to several months for it to completely to the size.
  • If you have undergone a tipoplasty or a tip rhinoplasty, the swelling can be somewhat smaller than that of a regular rhinoplasty.
  • After a tip reduction rhinoplasty, the recovery time is generally the same.

How long does the nose stay swollen after rhinoplasty?

  • Your nose will stay swollen for approximately two weeks after a rhinoplasty.
  • After this period, your swelling will begin to dissipate. However, it may take several months for the swelling to disappear completely.
  • To reduce the swelling, you can follow a healthy lifestyle, and stay as healthy as you can.
  • Any blows or trauma to the nose can increase the rhinoplasty swelling and prolong recovery.

Does rhinoplasty change your smile?

  • No, rhinoplasty does not change the smile.

Can I brush my teeth after rhinoplasty?

  • Yes, you can, and you should brush your teeth after a rhinoplasty.
  • When brushing teeth after a nose surgery, you should be careful not to exert too much pressure, as touching the upper lip can promote discomfort in the nose.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and use mild, short strokes to brush your teeth.
  • When rinsing, use a cup of water to rinse. We suggest this because, not only does rinsing directly from the faucet or your palm increase the likelihood of your nose getting wet (which increases the risk of infection) but it also increases the chances of knocking your nose.

What can you not do after rhinoplasty?

Why do I throw up after surgery?

  • Throwing up after surgery is a common side effect of anesthesia.
  • It can also be a result of taking medication on an empty stomach, eating food that your healing body may not be able to digest as easily as before, and also dehydration.
  • To avoid vomiting after a rhinoplasty, always listen to your surgeon’s advice and take medicine to prevent nausea.

How do I not throw up after rhinoplasty?

  • If you have issues with throwing up after a rhinoplasty, there is a medication that you can use to reduce the urge to vomit.
  • Your doctor will prescribe medication that can offer significant relief.
  • If you find you still have the urge to vomit after your rhinoplasty, talk to your specialist plastic surgeon and discuss changing your medication.

Can I take Sudafed after rhinoplasty?

  • No, you should not take Sudafed after a rhinoplasty.
  • Sudafed will not relieve your rhinoplasty nose congestion.
  • In fact it may cause the drying of the mucous membrane in the nose. If this happens, developing an infection may be significantly easier, and you may experience the urge to sneeze, which can be very painful and dangerous after a rhinoplasty procedure.
  • Always consult your surgeon before using any medication after plastic surgery.
  • Your surgeon will be able to tell you exactly what medication you should use without compromising your results.

How long after a nose surgery can you kiss?

  • Depending on the scope of your rhinoplasty, you may want to wait for up to eight weeks before engaging in any activities involving the face, such as kissing and other intimate activities.
  • Kissing as soon as one month after your rhinoplasty can pose serious stress on the nose that is still healing, and any blow or trauma to the face can compromise the results.

Nose Surgery Longer-Term Results FAQs

Do nose surgeries last forever?

  • Yes, a nose surgery lasts forever.
  • The bone and cartilage and even the skin removed during a reduction rhinoplasty are removed for good.
  • However, the nose will keep growing, though, this is a part of the ageing process.
  • No hump will return, and the general shape of the nose will stay the same as after the rhinoplasty.

How does a nose surgery age?

  • How well your nose surgery ages depends primarily on the techniques that your surgeon uses, as well as hereditary factors and any trauma to the face you may suffer.
  • In general, a reduction rhinoplasty can weaken the base of the nose, and some collapsing can be seen decades after your initial rhinoplasty.
  • There are now techniques that are part-reductive, part-reconstructive, that can provide longer-lasting results. However, some patients may choose not to have this kind of rhinoplasty since it is open rhinoplasty and takes significantly longer to heal.
  • The best way to prevent any long-term undesired effects is to have realistic expectations, respect your body and choose the most suitable plastic surgeon you can find.

Will my nose bump come back after rhinoplasty?

  • No, your nose bump will not come back after a rhinoplasty.
  • The nose bump removal or dorsal hump rhinoplasty is a procedure that completely removes the bone and cartilage so they cannot grow back.
  • If you notice a bump on your nose years after rhinoplasty, consult your specialist plastic surgeon, as this may be a sebaceous cyst and may have to be removed.

Nose Surgery Risks And Complications FAQs

Can you ruin your rhinoplasty?

  • Yes, you can ruin your rhinoplasty. The best ways to ensure rhinoplasty results include the following:
    • Always choose a board-certified specialist plastic surgeon with ample experience in rhinoplasty surgery
    • Always follow the advice given by your surgeon, to ensure a quick and safe recovery
    • Avoid any trauma to the face following your rhinoplasty
    • Avoid unnecessary surgical procedures to your face after a nose surgery, and make sure to communicate to your surgeon that you have had a rhinoplasty if you intend to have another plastic surgery.

Can smiling ruin rhinoplasty?

  • Smiling should not ruin your rhinoplasty. However, extensive smiling, laughing, talking too often and for too long, prolonged chewing or using chewing gum days after your surgery can cause irritation and discomfort. It can also prolong the rhinoplasty recovery period and compromise the results.
  • Avoid any strenuous activities and keep your face as calm as you can for at least a week or two after your rhinoplasty.

Is it bad to cry after rhinoplasty?

  • You should not cry after your rhinoplasty since crying can be a strenuous facial activity.
  • When you cry after rhinoplasty, your nasal muscles shrink, and the tears from your eyes enter the nasal canal.
  • This increases the chances of infection and prolongs the recovery time.
  • Crying after a nose surgery can also significantly increase discomfort and cause complications.

Can I sniff after rhinoplasty?

  • You should not sniff or blow through your nose after a rhinoplasty.
  • Although this may be an unwilling, even a reflexive action, you should try to resist the temptation to sniff or blow your nose, as the pressure can compromise rhinoplasty results.
  • Always follow your specialist plastic surgeon’s advice and rhinoplasty recovery timeline.

Can I wear a mask after rhinoplasty?

  • In the initial few days after rhinoplasty, you should not wear a mask. Instead, you should spend as much time inside as you can to make sure that your recovery is quick and safe.
  • If you have to go outside, make sure to wear a disposable, single-use or cloth face mask on your nose, and make sure they fit loosely around your nose.

Do you throw up after a nose surgery?

  • You may feel nausea after a nose surgery.
  • This is a normal occurrence, and your specialist plastic surgeon will give you anti-nausea medication for you to take.
  • The urge to vomit after rhinoplasty may come from the anaesthetic or from a quick return to a normal diet.
  • Always eat small, light and easily digestible meals after your rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Financing FAQs

How much is a nose surgery?

  • A nose surgery in Australia can cost anywhere from AUD 8.000 to AUD 20.000.
  • This estimate includes basic work and costs, such as the surgeon’s fee, the anesthetist’s fee and hospital expenses.
  • Depending on your case, the cost may be even higher, as every patient is unique, with different needs and desires. Therefore the price varies drastically.

Does insurance cover rhinoplasty?

  • Insurance will ONLY cover rhinoplasty if it is medical necessity. This is determined by a strict set of Medicare criteria. (if you do not meet Medicare item number criteria your private health fund often wont cover any surgery costs)
  • If you experience temporary or permanent obstruction of your airways, you should consult your experienced plastic surgeon and see if you qualify for insurance coverage.

Is rhinoplasty covered by Medicare?

  • Rhinoplasty is an elective cosmetic surgery that Medicare rarely covers.
  • To qualify for partial coverage, you should have your surgeon assess your case and see whether the turbinate’s in your nose may obstruct the airways.
  • Even if you do qualify for Medicare coverage, Medicare will only cover that part of the surgery deemed as medical necessity and will not cover any other costs, such as a dorsal hump removal.

What rhinoplasty is considered medically necessary?

  • Turbinoplasty and turbinectomy are two types of rhinoplasty that are considered medically necessary.
  • If you have issues breathing and want to have a full breath again, consult your specialist plastic surgeon and see if your case qualifies for insurance coverage.

Specialist Plastic Surgeons and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Surgeon

With a wealth of experience and training, our Specialist Plastic and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Surgeons are dedicated to best-practice patient care and education, customising Surgery for each and every patient to best meet their needs and desired surgical outcomes.

Dr Craig Rubinstein

Specialist Plastic Surgeon MED0001124843

Dr Craig Rubinstein

Patient safety, care and satisfaction are the top priorities for Dr Craig Rubinstein, a respected Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Melbourne. With over 25 years of experience especially in all areas of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, but particularly in breast surgery, he combines technical skill with a compassionate approach, emphasising strong relationships with his patients.

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Our reception team can assist with any questions you may have when considering a procedure. You can send in an enquiry form below or call our Melbourne Clinic between 9 am – 5 pm Monday - Friday.

Disclaimer: Results depend on individual patient circumstances and can vary significantly. Results may also be impacted by a variety of factors including your lifestyle, weight, nutritional intake and overall health. Consult your Specialist Plastic Surgeon for details. This information is general in nature and is not intended to be medical advice nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Surgery risks and complications will be covered in detail during a consultation with your Surgeon.

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