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Liposuction FAQs – Questions and Answers about Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes stubborn fat from specific areas. If you’ve reached your goal weight, or you are approximately 5 kgs above it, the common procedure of Liposuction may be a procedure for you. Because Liposuction is such a common procedure we have answered FAQs to give you the information you need to make an informed choice.

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Learn more about Liposuction

What Is Liposuction FAQs

What are the different types of Liposuction?

  • Currently, there are four types of liposuction:
    • Tumescent Liposuction – uses liquid to liquify the fat and suck it out,
    • Super-Wet Liposuction – uses less liquid than tumescent Liposuction and is a faster method,
    • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction – uses ultrasonic waves to break down and liquify the fat,
    • Laser-Assisted Liposuction – breaks down the fat the same way as ultrasonic Liposuction but uses a laser at the end of the cannula to do so.

Tumescent Liposuction – What is it?

  • Tumescent Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which a special type of liquid (Tumescent liquid), is injected into the area that your surgeon will do Liposuction on.
  • The liquid contains numbing agents and vasoconstrictors – blood vessel shrinking agents. These two chemicals increase your comfort and reduce the swelling both before and after your liposuction. The chemicals help decrease the risk of excess bleeding.
  • Tumescent Liposuction is a 21st century standard in plastic surgery that changes liposuction results and shortens the recovery time.

Super-Wet Liposuction – What is it??

  • Super-Wet Liposuction injects liquid into the area that your surgeon will do liposuction on.
  • The liquid contains a numbing agent, a blood vessel contractor, and a small percentage of salt.
  • It is very similar to Tumescent Liposuction but uses less liquid and is a faster method to remove your unwanted fat.

What is Laser-assisted Liposuction?

  • Laser-assisted liposuction uses a cannula that has a laser beam at its end.
  • The laser helps break down and liquify the fat tissue that your surgeon removes.

Vaser liposuction – What is it??

  • Vaser Liposuction is a liposuction method that uses ultrasound waves to break down fat and liquify it, making it easier to extract it.
  • Some patients say that recovery after a Vaser Liposuction is faster than with traditional, tumescent Liposuction because the ultrasound waves break down the fat, so the surgeon does not have to use as many back and forth motions.
  • Both methods give results, and permanently remove the fat.

What type of fat is removed during liposuction?

  • Liposuction removes the subcutaneous fat. This type of fat is found right underneath the skin.
  • When you start gaining weight, this is the first layer of fat that gets enlarged, and when you start losing weight, this is the first layer of fat that gets melted away.
  • Liposuction can remove this layer of fat tissue all over the body.

Can liposuction change body shape?

  • Yes, liposuction can change your body shape.
  • Liposuction is a procedure used for shaping the body once you’ve dropped the majority of the weight.
  • With Liposuction, you can target specific areas of your body that you would like to remove stubborn fat from, such as:

Some surgeons may also do micro liposuction in the face, using very thin cannulas (thinner than 3mm).

Will Liposuction make me skinny?

  • Liposuction can remove up to 5 litres of fat at a time, but liposuction is NOT a weight-loss procedure.
  • If you are overweight, you should lose most of your weight before undergoing liposuction since 5 litres of fat on a bigger body may not make a big difference. However, if you’ve lost a lot of weight and have toned up in the gym, you may see a big difference after your liposuction.
  • Liposuction is to target stubborn fat that doesn’t seem to move even post weight – loss.

Can you get liposuction twice?

  • Yes, you can get liposuction twice.
  • The surgeon removes the fat for good, although you may want another liposuction after a significant weight gain and loss.
  • Furthermore, new research shows that the body may create new fat cells, although this may take around a decade to happen, and the new fat cells are not as numerous as those that the surgeon has removed.
  • In rare cases, if an inexperienced surgeon did your first Liposuction, you may need a revision liposuction or correction liposuction.

What happens to excess skin after liposuction?

  • Your Specialist Plastic Surgeon may surgically remove excess skin after Lipo.
  • You should note that liposuction, especially ultra-sound assisted liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction, has some skin-tightening effects.
  • Depending on your initial state and how much fat is removed, you may not have any loose skin.
  • However, if you have undergone massive weight loss, you may end up with loose skin folds that you may want to have surgically removed. This can be done by either a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or by a lipectomy, (these are surgical procedures that remove loose skin from the abdomen and back).

Can liposuction get rid of belly fat?

  • Yes, liposuction can get rid of belly fat.
  • Liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure, but if you have stubborn fat or fat that you cannot drop in the gym, liposuction may be an option for you.

How much fat can liposuction remove?

  • Liposuction can remove up to 5 litres of fat. If wanted, your surgeon can remove smaller amounts.
  • If you are a slim patient, 5 litres may be too much, as there may not be that much fat in your body.
  • You should be aware of surgeons who say that they can remove more than this in one go.
  • Removing more fat requires doing liposuction in a hospital setting, and you would have to stay overnight. This way, your surgeon can monitor your vitals and make sure that your recovery is successful.
  • Beware of any surgeon who says that they can remove huge amounts of fat. Doing this carries many risks and is unsafe for you.

Does Liposuction get rid of stretch marks?

  • No, liposuction does not get rid of stretch marks.
  • Stretch marks appear on the skin that is stretched beyond its limits during a weight gain, pregnancy or growth spurt (puberty).
  • Removing the underlying fat removes the cause of the stretch marks, but it will not remove the stretch marks themselves.
  • Your stretch marks may appear somewhat slimmer after a liposuction, but they may also have more pronounced pigmentation.

Does Liposuction lift your pubic area?

  • Liposuction does not lift the pubic area.
  • If you are concerned about fat deposits in the pubic area itself, you can ask your Specialist Plastic Surgeon about Mons Pubis Liposuction or liposuction of the pubic area.

Can Liposuction affect pregnancy?

  • Liposuction should not affect pregnancy, however you need to wait after the pregnancy to get your liposuction.
  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure, and your body takes a lot of time and energy to recover from it.
  • Being pregnant during Liposuction or any procedure is not safe for mum or baby.
  • Please always follow your surgeon’s advice and common sense.

Can Liposuction reverse diabetes?

  • No, liposuction cannot reverse diabetes.
  • If you are worried about diabetes, you should know that research on BMI and the Risk of Developing Diabetes shows that for every 1 kg of fat a patient loses, the chances for developing diabetes reduces by 16%.
  • So, Liposuction as a means of getting rid few kilos may slightly reduce the chance of developing diabetes.
  • Beware that Liposuction is not a substitute for proper nutrition and physical activity.

Is it hard to get abs after Liposuction?

  • It will be easier getting abs after Liposuction.
  • Liposuction removes some of the fat tissue that may be hiding your abs, thus making it easier to expose them with regular exercise and a healthy diet.
  • However, liposuction does not remove all the fat deposits, you will still need to eat healthy and excercise to tone your abdomen.

Does stomach liposuction work?

  • Yes, stomach liposuction works.
  • Most patients who receive liposuction say that they are happy with the results.
  • Liposuction Before and After Pictures show what you can expect after your liposuction.

Will I need Liposuction after weight loss?

  • You may need liposuction after weight loss.
  • If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, you may notice that loosing more kilos of stubborn fat can be difficult.
  • This is where liposuction comes in, the focus of this surgical procedure is to remove specific pockets of fat tissue.

Am I a potential Candidate / Liposuction Prerequisites FAQs

Who is a suitable candidate for liposuction?

  • You may be a suitable candidate for liposuction if you:
    • Have lost weight and are about 5-10 kilos above your wanted weight,
    • Have had a stable weight for several months and do not plan on gaining weight,
    • Are not a smoker, or are willing to quit at least six weeks before your liposuction,
    • Have realistic expectations of what your Specialist Plastic Surgeon can do using liposuction,
    • Have an understanding of what the risks and complications of this surgical procedure are.

What age is suitable for liposuction?

  • You should be at least 18 years of age for liposuction.
  • This way, you understand the risks and complications of liposuction surgical procedures.
  • There is no upper age limit for getting liposuction, although if you are a little older, you may take a longer time to recover after a lipo.
  • Always consult your Specialist Plastic Surgeon with any concerns you may have and let them know if you have any chronic conditions, such as heart and lung disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.

What kind of Liposuction do I need?

  • Your Specialist Plastic Surgeon will be able to estimate what kind of liposuction would be the suitable for you.
  • If you want to remove very thin fat deposits, the tumescent or super-wet technique may be the suitable option.
  • In cases with thicker fat buildup, you may want to have ultrasound-assisted or laser-assisted liposuction since they can speed up fat breakdown and shorten the operating time.
  • Your experienced plastic surgeon will know exactly what type of Liposuction would be for you, based on years of experience and expertise.

Is there a minimum weight for liposuction and if so what is it?

  • There is no minimum weight for liposuction since different heights, body fat percentage and BMI need to be taken into consideration.
  • If you want to lose more than 10-15 kilos, you may want to consider natural weight loss or bariatric surgery.

What is the BMI for liposuction?

  • Your BMI should ideally be no more than 28-33 for liposuction surgery.
  • However, BMI is not the only thing taken into account in deciding if you are a candidate for a liposuction procedure.
  • Your surgeon will need details about your body fat content, visceral fats, and many others to properly assess your situation and say if you are a candidate or not.

Can I have Liposuction after C-section?

  • Yes, you can have liposuction after a C-section.
  • Surgeons recommend that you wait at least six months after you’ve had your C-section before having liposuction.
  • This wait time is due to the fact that your body needs time to heal from one procedure before you undergo another.

Liposuction Preparation FAQs

Is it better to lose weight before or after liposuction?

  • It is best to lose weight before liposuction.
  • This way, your experienced plastic surgeon will be able to see exactly where to remove fatty tissues from during your Liposuction.
  • Losing weight after Liposuction may compromise the results, and you may even need revision liposuction to correct any misshapen features.
  • Furthermore, it is best to lose weight before liposuction because then your surgeon will be able to tell whether another procedure, such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or a lipectomy, may be an option for you.

How do you prepare for Liposuction surgery?

  • To prepare for liposuction surgery, you should:
    • Lose weight and be 5-10kilos from your goal weight.
    • Practice regular physical activity.
    • Have a healthy diet for at least several weeks before your liposuction.
    • Quit smoking at least six weeks before your Lipo, and not smoke for at least six weeks after your Liposuction.
    • Be ready to stay at home for a while after your liposuction procedure.

How do I prepare my body for liposuction?

  • To prepare your body for a liposuction, you should:
    • Have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol,
    • Avoid rigorous diets and maintain your weight for several months at least,
    • Stay away from direct sunlight, avoid sunburns, apply SPF whenever heading out,
    • Have a lymphatic massage before surgery since there are indicators it may help with post liposuction swelling and shorten the recovery period.

Do I need to lose weight for Lipo?

  • Yes, you should lose as much weight for Liposuction as you can.
  • Be careful that the weight loss is gradual since dropping weight too quickly can compromise your health and increase the chances for post-liposuction complications.
  • For a successful weight loss before Liposuction, you need a mild caloric deficit and regular physical activity.

What is the maximum weight for Liposuction?

  • Your Specialist Plastic Surgeon can safely remove up to 5 litres (5 kilos) of fat in a single liposuction procedure.
  • Any amount of fat above this threshold increases the chances for liposuction complications and may put you in danger.
  • To remove larger amounts of fat, your surgeon will need to operate in a surgical theatre.

What to pack for Liposuction surgery?

  • You should pack all the paperwork and blood work for your liposuction surgery.
  • Additionally, you may need to pack a compression garment if your surgeon does not supply you with one.
  • You will also need to wear loose and comfortable clothes.
  • We suggest that you bring something with you to pass-time whilst you recover.

Liposuction Procedure FAQs

How long does Liposuction surgery take?

  • Your liposuction surgery will take between 1 and 3 hours.
  • In some cases, it may take a little longer, depending on your case and the area/s that you are undergoing fat removal from.
  • In most cases you will be able to go home on the same day.
  • However, hospital liposuction for large fat removal may take longer, and you may have to stay in the hospital for a day or two.

How many hours does Liposuction take?

  • Liposuction can take anywhere between 1 and 3 hours, depending on your body state and the wanted results.
  • In general, your surgeon will do their best to keep you under anaesthesia for the shortest possible period.

Is Liposuction major surgery?

  • Yes, liposuction is major surgery since it penetrates below the skin and removes some of your tissues.
  • Lipo is a very common surgery, but it still has its risks and complications. All surgery contains risks, read more here.
  • Ensure that you understand the risks and complications of your liposuction, as the procedure is irreversible.

How many sizes can you lose with Liposuction?

  • You can lose between 1-2 sizes with liposuction.
  • Liposuction is a procedure if you want to lose targeted fat deposits, such as the fat from your abdomen or the flanks. Your surgeon may also remove fat deposits from your thighs, back and buttocks.

How much weight do you lose with Liposuction?

  • Liposuction can remove 1- 4 kilos in total.
  • Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss.
  • If you struggle with excessive weight, you may consider natural weight loss or bariatric surgery.

Is it easier to lose weight after liposuction?

  • Liposuction removes fatty tissue, but it does not address your ability to burn calories. It will be more difficult to put weight on, but it is still possible to gain weight.
  • It is best to lose weight as a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

How long after Liposuction can I see results?

  • You will be able to see a change in your figure immediately after liposuction.
  • However, it will take 10-14 days for the swelling to go away.
  • You can see near-complete results some 4-6 weeks after the procedure. During this time, you should wear your compression garment 24/7 to make the results better.

How long will I leak after liposuction?

  • It is normal to have some discharge after liposuction.
  • You will leak for approximately 48 hours after your Liposuction. The discharge is simply water accumulation leaving the body and should not concern you too much.
  • If leaking is significantly longer than 48 hours, you may contact your Specialist Plastic Surgeon for a closer follow-up examination.

What are the side effects of liposuction?

  • Like any other surgical procedure, Liposuction has some side effects you may need to endure for a short time after the procedure. The side effects include:
    • Pain
    • Discomfort,
    • Swelling,
    • Infection,
    • Bleeding, etc.

Discuss any concerns you may have with your Specialist Plastic Surgeon. 

Liposuction Recovery FAQs

How painful is Liposuction recovery?

  • You will be sore after liposuction.
  • Your specialist plastic surgeon will prescribe some pain medication and other medicine to help control any discomfort you experience immediately after the procedure.
  • The discomfort usually starts on day one, as the numbing agent wears off and is strongest on the second day.
  • As time passes you will experience less and less discomfort.

How bad does liposuction hurt?

  • Liposuction is reported as uncomfortable rather than painful.
  • During the procedure, you will be given an anaesthetic to numb the pain.
  • Post-op, you will be taking pain relievers to keep you in a comfortable condition.
  • You should always follow your surgeon’s advice for a fast recovery and quickly get off the pain meds.

How long for the Liposuction incision to heal?

  • Liposuction incisions heal very quickly.
  • Liposuction incisions are small cuts in your skin. They are so small you may not even need sutures, the incision is only around 1cm long.
  • However, for the complete healing to occur and for the scar to fully mature, it may take up to a year.

How long does Liposuction take to heal?

  • Liposuction heals very fast.
  • You will be up and about in just a few days after a small-scale lipo.
  • You may need a week or two off work for full-body liposuction.
  • It will take about two weeks for the swelling to go away.
  • Furthermore, you will have to wait approximately 4-6 weeks before resuming more strenuous activities, such as swimming and heavy lifting.

How long will my stomach be swollen after liposuction?

  • You will experience stomach swelling for approximately two weeks after liposuction.
  • The swelling starts to appear on day one after a lipo, and it gradually increases until day three or four.
  • By the end of the first week, some of the swelling will be gone, and it will continue to subside over the next few days.
  • The majority of swelling is gone by the end of week two. However, you will still need to wear your compression garment to keep the remaining swelling at bay.

How to reduce swelling after Liposuction?

  • You can reduce swelling after liposuction by listening to your surgeon’s advice:
    • Have plenty of rest, especially in the first several days after Liposuction,
    • Move around or have a short walk around your house or your backyard to promote blood flow and speed up the recovery process,
    • Eat a healthy diet – a healthy body heals faster,
    • Wear your compression garment – a compression garment keeps swelling at bay by limiting how much swelling can occur and helping the body reabsorb the extra liquid.
    • Take all the prescribed medication and be disciplined about the timing.
  • Ensure that you fully understand that most recovery is on you.
  • Past the surgery, there is little that a surgeon can do besides giving you proper medication and advice.
  • Following liposuction surgeon’s advice is a sure way to reduce liposuction swelling.

Is it normal to leak after liposuction?

  • Yes, leaking for up to 48 hours after liposuction is normal since your body is trying to expel liquid buildup.
  • The liposuction discharge may be almost completely clear, or it may be pinkish or reddish. This should not concern you, as the discharge is normal at this stage of recovery.
  • You should drink plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration.

How do you get rid of fluid after liposuction?

  • Your Specialist Plastic Surgeon may place drains to help with fluid buildup after your liposuction.
  • The fluid will be draining for around 48 hours after your Liposuction.
  • To ensure that no excessive swelling appears at the site, your surgeon will give you a compression garment that you should wear for at least 4-6 weeks after your liposuction procedure.

Can I wear a waist trainer after Liposuction?

  • Yes, you can wear a waist trainer after Liposuction.
  • You should first let the Liposuction fully heal before wearing a waist trainer. During this period, you should wear a compression garment, which will gently press on the area that Liposuction was done on and reduce any swelling you may be experiencing.

How long to wear bandages after Liposuction?

  • Your surgeon may apply some bandages over your incisions if they are not closed or sutured.
  • You should wear the bandages for as long as there is some discharge from the incisions.
  • Ensure to apply new, dry bandages regularly or as instructed by your surgeon.

How long do you wear compression garments after liposuction?

  • You should wear your compression garment 24/7 for the first six weeks after your liposuction.
  • The compression garment reduces swelling, shortens the recovery period and ensures that you get optimal results.
  • Your surgeon may suggest wearing your compression garment even longer after your Liposuction, depending on your case.

Why does my skin feel so tight after Liposuction?

  • Skin tightness is a normal occurrence after Liposuction.
  • Liposuction can tighten your skin to an extent, especially if the liposuction was ultrasound or laser-assisted liposuction.
  • Furthermore, you may experience some swelling after your Liposuction, and this swelling may persist for some 10-14 days after the procedure.
  • Ensure that your skin is moisturised, drink plenty of fluids and wear your compression garment at all times.

Does skin tighten after liposuction?

  • Your skin may tighten to an extent, although it may not completely go back to what it was like before your weight gain.
  • The skin tightening will be most pronounced where the skin is thin, such as the chin and the neck.
  • In areas where the skin is thicker, the tightening may be less pronounced.
  • Liposuction skin tightening will not tighten excess skin resulting from aging or a massive weight loss.

How important is massage after liposuction?

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) massage is a procedure by which you may drain some excess fluid from the area where you had liposuction.
  • The massage may both speed up the recovery process and shorten it.
  • Your Specialist Plastic Surgeon may suggest getting an MLD message both before and after liposuction for results.

When should I start massaging after Liposuction?

  • You should start massaging some two weeks after Liposuction.
  • The MLD or Manual Lymphatic Drainage can speed up the recovery process and prevent scar tissue formation.
  • You may need some three to five massage sessions after your Liposuction.
  • Some surgeons may also suggest getting an MLD before the Liposuction, promoting local metabolism and making the skin more flexible before the procedure.

Can I do my lymphatic massage after Liposuction?

  • Yes, you can do your lymphatic massage after Liposuction.
  • Make sure to know what you are doing and when to start massaging.
  • In general, surgeons suggest starting with MLD or Manual Lymphatic Drainage two weeks after the surgery is complete or when most swelling and bruising has dissipated.

What can you not do after liposuction?

  • There are several things you should not do after your liposuction, DO NOT:
    • Stay stationary, as this demotes blood flow and may even increase chances of blood clot formation,
    • Take blood thinners, as they may promote bleeding and slow down wound healing,
    • Spend a long time in the water, such as when having a bath, visiting hot tubs, or swimming – water may cause infection, and warm water may even slow down wound healing,
    • Undertake strenuous exercise, as it may put extra pressure on the tissues, promote bleeding and skin separation from the abdominal wall.

What can you do immediately after liposuction?

There are things you can and should do after liposuction:

  • Get up and move around -at least going to the restroom on the day of the surgery is a big success as it promotes blood flow and speeds up the recovery process,
  • Get plenty of rest – it promotes healing as your body can divert all energy to the lipo area,
  • Have a healthy diet – healthy diet results in a healthy body, and a healthy body heals fast and experiences fewer complications,
  • Exercise regularly – in the first few weeks post-liposuction, you should only walk and do very mild exercises.

How to sleep after Liposuction?

  • You should sleep on your back for at least three weeks following your liposuction. This promotes fluid drainage, reduces excessive swelling and applies no pressure on the incisions, which can heal faster.
  • Sleeping on your side or your stomach can cause discomfort and compromise the results.
  • Always wear your compression garment, even at night.

How long after Liposuction can you stand up straight?

  • You should be able to stand up straight immediately.
  • If your abdomen feels sore when standing up straight, do not force yourself, but give yourself a day or two.
  • It is important to move around in the initial days after liposuction, so make sure to walk around the house and take plenty of rest while lying on your back in a reclined position.

Can you lay on your stomach after Liposuction?

  • No, you should not lay on your stomach after liposuction.
  • Laying on your stomach can compromise the results, cause discomfort and complications after your liposuction.
  • Always follow your surgeon’s advice on how to act after a liposuction.

Can you sleep on your side after Liposuction?

  • No, you should not sleep on your side after liposuction. Sleeping on your side after liposuction puts extra pressure on the incision points and may cause complications, such as infection.
  • Furthermore, because your body is tilted while sleeping on the side, your swelling may ‘drop’ to the side you sleep on and cause discomfort.

How long off work for Liposuction?

  • You may go back to work five to ten days after your liposuction.
  • If you had a large scale liposuction or have excessive swelling, it may take a little longer to go back to work.
  • In general, if you have a desk job, you can go back to work days after surgery.
  • If your work involves a lot of heavy lifting, you may want to wait for a few weeks.
  • Your Specialist Plastic Surgeon will be able to tell you approximately when you can go back to work.

When can I stop wearing a compression garment after Liposuction?

  • You should wear your compression garment after liposuction for at least six weeks.
  • Depending on the liposuction site and the quality of your skin, your surgeon may suggest wearing a compression garment for longer.
  • If there are any complications, they can prolong this period as well.
  • You should wear your compression garment 24/7, although it is OK to take it off when you shower and wash it.

How many days after Lipo Can I shower?

  • You can shower 48 hours after liposuction.
  • This should give enough time for the incisions to close, and you will be able to take short showers with lukewarm water.
  • Avoid taking baths, hot tubs and swimming for several weeks after your liposuction as they may promote infections and poor wound healing.

When do you start driving after Liposuction?

  • You should not drive immediately after liposuction.
  • You can start driving once you are off your pain medication and when you have a full range of motion.
  • Organise to have a friend or a family member bring you back home after liposuction.

Liposuction Longer-Term Results FAQs

Will scars after Liposuction be visible?

  • Whenever possible, your surgeon will choose places that are normally hidden by clothes and swimwear.
  • If you are concerned about your scars, ask your Specialist Plastic Surgeon how to take good care of your wounds and scars after liposuction and what scar management they can suggest.

How long do Liposuction scars take to fade?

  • It can take up to a year for a scar to fully mature.
  • During this period, do what you can to speed up the scar healing and prevent it from becoming more prominent.
  • Some useful scar-fading tips and tricks include:
    • Eat a healthy diet and take vitamin supplements,
    • Exercise regularly to promote blood flow,
    • Keep the scar hydrated.
    • Use silicone-based scar-fading creams,
    • Apply SPF whenever heading out,
    • Avoid stretching the skin where the scar is, at least in the first several weeks post-op.

Can I minimise scarring after liposuction?

  • Minimising scarring after a liposuction boils down to having a good diet, exercising regularly and taking good care of the scar.
  • The liposuction scar care comprises of using a good skin moisturiser, a good silicone-based skin cream and SPF and avoiding exposing the scar to direct sunlight.
  • You can further fade scars with scar management treatments, such as Healite II, Fraxer Laser or DermaPen.

How to reduce swelling after Liposuction?

  • You can reduce swelling after liposuction by wearing a compression garment and taking proper care of your body during the recovery period.
  • You should provide your body with ample rest and mild physical activity to promote good blood flow.
  • You should also sleep in a reclined position at an angle of 30 degrees to promote liquid dissipation and reabsorption by your body.

Liposuction Risks And Complications FAQs

Is Liposuction safe?

  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure, and like any other surgical procedure, it has its risks and complications.
  • However, you can minimise these risks by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon.
  • A board-certified plastic surgeon will know how to approach you in a customised way and may help minimise the possible risks and complications.
  • All surgery contains risks, read more here.

What happens years after liposuction?

  • Years after liposuction, your body will still have the shape that you had right after the liposuction.
  • Liposuction is a permanent procedure that completely removes the fat cells.
  • Although some new research shows that the body can form new fat cells, it may take around a decade or so for the new fat cell formation and for as long as you keep your weight as close to the weight as you can.

Can you get pregnant after Liposuction?

  • Yes, you can get pregnant after liposuction.
  • Liposuction does not impact your ability to get pregnant or to bear a child.
  • You may want to pay closer attention to your diet during pregnancy: although some weight gain is normal, gaining too much weight can compromise your liposuction results.

What happens if you gain weight after Liposuction?

  • If you gain weight after liposuction, the existing tissue will enlarge to accept the caloric surplus, but you will not gain large amounts of fat where your surgeon did the Liposuction.

Can you have Liposuction before getting pregnant?

  • Yes, you can have liposuction before getting pregnant.
  • Allow enough time between liposuction and pregnancy so that your body can heal properly.
  • Some surgeons will suggest that a minimum of some 3-6 months between the two events.

Does Liposuction permanently remove fat?

  • The fat that is removed in liposuction is gone for good.
  • However, if you are not careful with your diet and physical activity, you can still gain weight after your Liposuction.
  • The fat cells that are removed are removed permanently, although new fat cells can form.

Liposuction Financing FAQs

Is Liposuction covered by Medicare?

  • No, Medicare does not cover Liposuction.
  • This is an elective cosmetic surgery and, as such, you must pay for the procedure out of your own pocket.

Can you finance Liposuction?

  • Yes, you can finance liposuction.
  • There are surgery financing solutions and low or interest-free credit cards that you can rely on to pay for your surgery.
  • Furthermore, your bank may also have some loan offers for you, so make sure to contact them and ask about your options.

Specialist Plastic Surgeons and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Surgeon

With a wealth of experience and training, our Specialist Plastic and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Surgeons are dedicated to best-practice patient care and education, customising Surgery for each and every patient to best meet their needs and desired surgical outcomes.

Dr Craig Rubinstein
Dr Broughton Snell
Dr Stephen Kleid
Dr Gary Kode

Specialist Plastic Surgeon MED0001124843

Dr Craig Rubinstein

Patient safety, care and satisfaction are the top priorities for Dr Craig Rubinstein, a respected Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Melbourne. With over 25 years of experience especially in all areas of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, but particularly in breast surgery, he combines technical skill with a compassionate approach, emphasising strong relationships with his patients.

Specialist Plastic Surgeon MED0001190266

Dr Broughton Snell

Dr Broughton Snell is a Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. His training in Plastic Surgery took place in Australia and the United States of America (USA).

Dr Snell is a fully qualified specialist plastic surgeon having completed his Fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in plastic and reconstructive surgery. He has also spent time following the completion of this qualification gaining further experience and training in the area of craniomaxillofacial surgery, training which he completed in world-renowned centres here and in the United States.

ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Surgeon MED0001052799

Dr Stephen Kleid

Dr Stephen Kleid is an experienced Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeon (Otolaryngologist) based in Masada with a passion for Septo-rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, as well as, a strong interest in Rhinoplasty Revision.

Dr Kleid trained at Melbourne University, then completed surgical training at various hospitals including Royal Melbourne, Royal Children’s, The Eye and Ear and St Vincents. He worked as a surgeon at the University of Florida Medical school for further experience.

Specialist Plastic Surgeon MED0001405964

Dr Gary Kode

Dr Gary Kode is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, with experience in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, as well as non-surgical treatments.

Dr Kode is a member of several organisations, including the Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS), The International Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, and he holds a Fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

What to do next?

Our Patient Liaison Team can assist with any questions you may have when considering a procedure. You can send in an enquiry form below or call our Melbourne Clinic between 9 am – 5 pm Monday - Friday.

Disclaimer: Results depend on individual patient circumstances and can vary significantly. Results may also be impacted by a variety of factors including your lifestyle, weight, nutritional intake and overall health. Consult your Specialist Plastic Surgeon for details. This information is general in nature and is not intended to be medical advice nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Surgery risks and complications will be covered in detail during a consultation with your Surgeon.

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759 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, VIC, 3123

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  • Looking for before and after photos?
  • Want to know more about recovery times?
  • Wanting to find out costs?

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